Our theoretical work

Willi Dickhut, head of the Revolutionärer Weg editorial team from 1969 bis 1991, said about thefundamental importance of this series:
"Each issue deals with a certain key problem of our time; all issues together constitute a system for the practical accomplishment of our current tasks. Our theoretical organ does not contain abstract treatises; the individual issues form a dialectical unity of Marxist-Leninist principles and practical experience of communist work gathered over decades. On the basis of Marxism-Leninism, in Revolutionärer Weg current changes were analyzed, new insights gained and developed further in terms of theory."

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Program of the Marxist-Leninist Party

Socialism is the concentration of the most progressive ideas and achievements of humankind. It is not a preconceived scheme and most definitely not egalitarianism, but emerges from the multifaceted life and struggle of the masses. It is the next necessary social step forward, in which the revolutionary progress of the productive forces is used for the benefit of society as a whole in unity with nature.

To the Party Programm

Greetings of solidarity to the colleagues of Larko and SI Cobas from the MLPD and ICOR

Greetings of solidarity to the colleagues of Larko and SI Cobas from the MLPD and ICOR
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Stefen Engel

On the Emergence of the New-Imperialist Countries

The book Dawn of the International Socialist Revolution first advanced the well-founded thesis of the new-imperialist countries. This brochure has the task of providing scientific proof of this thesis.


The Crisis of Bourgeois Ideology and Anticommunism

The Crisis of Bourgeois Ideology and Anticommunism
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150 ans de la commune de Paris

150 ans  de la commune de Paris
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Frederick Engels – the most underestimated classic

Frederick Engels – the most underestimated classic
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